A Special Event Station will be activated by BVARA club members on Saturday, April 13, 2013 from 13:00 to 22:00 UTC (9AM - 6PM EST). This Special Event Station will be in celebration of the BVARA's 90th anniversary. Simultaneous operations are planned for the 80, 40, 20, 15, and possibly 10 meter bands. Local hams can call us on 2 meters at 145.310 MHz with a tone of 131.8 Hz for a QSO, as well. Modes will primarily be SSB, but time will be allocated for both CW and PSK31 operations. A commemorative QSL card will be sent to all received and confirmed QSL contacts. A Special Certificate is available for two or more bands or two or more modes.
To receive the Special Event Certificate, please send your QSO information along with a 9 x 12 inch self-addressed, stamped envelope to our club's address above. To receive a special event QSL card, be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped business envelope along with your QSL card and QSO information. The QSL card below is "standard size" of approximately 5-1/2 by 3-1/2 inches.
Starting frequencies for SSB are 21.38, 14.28, 7.24, and 3.97 MHz. Standard PSK frequencies for these bands wil be used with an offset of approximately 1500 Hz. CW frequencies will be between 30 and 35 KHz above the lower band edge. If the propagation gods smile upon us, we hope to work you on multiple bands and modes. DX contacts are always welcome!