145.310 - 131.8 Hz PL

Beaver County's only 75 year ARRL affiliated club!

Club meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at the
Beaver County 911 Center, 14th Street, Ambridge PA.



Two Meter Net
Check in at 8:30PM on 145.310 MHz

Ten Meter Net
Check in at 9:00PM on 28.470 MHz





This month: 

Fellow club members' updates on their recent projects. Plus, special events this month, upcoming BVARA events, VE testing, contest corral, and more.

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Who are Amateur Radio operators or Hams?

Anyone you know could be an Amateur Radio operator or "ham" --no matter what age, gender or physical ability. From ages 8 to 80, people in many countries of the world can have fun as radio amateurs. If you've had fun with CB radio or trying new things with your computer, wait till you see what you can do with ham radio!

What Can I Do With Ham Radio?

You can communicate from the top of a mountain, your home or behind the wheel of your car. You can take radio wherever you go! In times of disaster, when regular communications channels fail, hams can swing into action assisting emergency communications efforts and working with public service agencies. At other times, you can talk to Shuttle astronauts or bounce signals off the moon. You can use telegraphy, voice, digital, even images in communication with other hams. Know any other hobby with so much to offer?

Why Do I need A License?

Although the main purpose of the hobby is fun, it is called the "Amateur Radio Service" because it also has a serious face. The FCC created the "Service" to fill the need for a pool of experts who could provide backup emergency communications in times of need. In addition, the FCC acknowledged the ability of the hobby to advance communication and technical knowledge, and enhance international goodwill.

What will this cost me?

A basic new handheld radio can cost about the same as an inexpensive 19-inch color TV. Flea market bargains can cost a lot less. A new tabletop multi-band unit for your home radio shack can cost about the same as the PC you're reading this on. Materials to get you started are relatively inexpensive, and the exam fee you'll pay when you're ready to test is nominal.

When was Amateur Radio started?

Nobody knows when Amateur Radio operators were first called "hams," but we do know that Amateur Radio is as old as the history of radio itself. In 1912, Congress passed the first laws regulating radio transmissions in the US. By 1914, amateur experimenters were communicating nationwide, and setting up a system to relay messages from coast to coast (that's how we got our name, American Radio Relay League, ARRL, for short).

I don't have a lot of time. Can I still enjoy the hobby?

You bet! The beauty of ham radio is it can fit the time, space, and budget that YOU decide is right for you. It's got that low stress, high fun ratio that many busy people seek in their off-hours. It can also be great family fun or a solitary pleasure.

Who can help me get started?

The Beaver Valley Amateur Radio Association (BVARA) and this web site can be invaluable in helping you find the fast track to on-the-air enjoyment.

Contact Jack Spencer, KZ3Z, Club President at
(724) 869-2429









  Beaver Valley ARA
  P.O. Box 424
  South Heights, PA 15081

   I want to talk to a real, live ham. Who can I contact?

   Jack Spencer, KZ3Z - Baden, PA
   Club President
   (724) 869-2429